"Diary of a Stripper" by Christopher Cole An ADRIFT 3.9 game. [WARNING] This is a game of adult interactive fiction and contains scenes with strong language, sexuality, adult themes, and description of nudity. It should not be played by anyone below the age of 18 who doesn't want to get into serious trouble if their parents find out. [THE STORY] You are a male stripper, and you have been hired to work a bachelorette party. You know that these private parties can get a little wild. I've written this game after seeing a few videos of male strippers getting groped and sucked at bachelorette parties. I assume this kind of thing doesn't happen at *every* bachelorette party that hires a stripper, but there seem to be quite a lot of these kinds of videos online. This game is written for davidw's 2003 Minicomp. [HELPFUL TIPS] 1) If you've played my AIF games before, forget what you know. Though this game is definitely AIF, it does not have 'normal' AIF commands. That being said, there will be special commands for this game which will be laid out for you in-game when necessary. You should also type 'instructions' for further information. 2) Though bodyparts may be described in this game, there are no bodypart 'items', so commands such as 'examine [bodypart]', 'touch [bodypart]', etc. will not work. 3) There are no real puzzles in this game. The game is on a time limit to represent the few hours you have during the evening. You have approximately 75 turns after you start stripping to earn your tip. You can also win the game before the time limit. 4) You can't lose the game, but you can win to varying degrees. You want to try and earn a good tip and make the ladies happy. Depending on what you've done throughout the game, you'll find out what kind of a tip you've earned (if any) when the game ends. 5) Remember to try commands more than once. 6) There are three different ways to end the game. With each ending you'll get one of the four "tip" responses so you'll know how you did. Christopher Cole cjcole144@hotmail.com June 2003